
Which Way Are You Pointing?

I recently received a comment on a blog post from one of my readers, Peter Allard, that really resonated with me and I wanted to share it with you.

In the comment, Peter was referring to the upcoming birth of our son and some important components of becoming a good father.

However, I also felt that there were some valuable lessons that also very much tied into marketing.

Here’s the original comment:

“Hi Richard,

Father’s day is almost here! As a signwriter by trade I often think a good sign is like a good Father.

1. It has to be there. No one benefits from from an absent sign and no family benefits from the absent Father input that sadly is at epidemic levels in today’s society. All praise to the single Mothers and the good work they perform.

2. It has to be legible. It can be chalk on a blackboard but you must be able to read it. The same is true of a “Flash” Father who might dress to kill
but is never presenting a clear message to his children.

3. It has to be pointing in the right direction. I have seen many daily now open “A” signs carelessly placed on foot paths with the arrows pointing across the street instead of to the front door!

Be there. Bring a clear message. Be pointing in the right direction this and many more Father’s days to come!

Congratulations from Peter “

The part that really struck me was #3 – you have to be pointing in the right direction.

You have to know where you want to go, and what path you want to take to get there.

It’s no good if you’re running around aimlessly without any direction.

I think this is just as true for marketing as it is for parenthood too.

One thing I notice online is that so many people are being pulled in different directions, always looking towards the “next big thing”.

They try so many different things, but they never really stop and work at just one thing that could actually bring them results.

And what happens?

They’re no financially better off than when they started, and if anything they just end up more confused and overwhelmed.

Direction and focus are critically important in marketing and something you need to work at, but the rewards are great when you do.

I’m not perfect, and I struggle with these very same things at times, but when I do focus, that’s when I’m most productive and that’s when I make money.

If you’re struggling with a lack of focus or direction, I have a great free “Personal Action Plan” for you to download.

It can help you figure out where you want to go, and what you need to do in order to get there.

You can download it from the link below. No optin or anything required, just “right click” and save it to your computer.

I really think this can help anyone who’s struggling to figure out where they’re going so take just 30 seconds to download it now.

To YOUR Success,

Richard Legg

Richard Legg


  1. Thanks for the awesome free action guide! Congrats on the baby!

  2. Well I was glad to hear from you!
    Things are going well for me, But I would love to get things a lot better.
    I can,t remember how to get mt site back up and running! I had to pull it down. a few months ago. Would you have a way that I can do this?

    Oh! By The way”! When I was reading this, I found that, You had put two of the same words in the same sentence. (1. Line one, you’ll find the word from twice) 1. It has to be there. No one benefits from from an absent sign and no family benefits from the absent Father input that sadly is at epidemic levels in today’s society. All praise to the single Mothers and the good work they perform. As you can see I o read your mail. I have Four Kid’s and LOVE THEM ALL!! God bless You and Your’s!

  3. Hi Richard,

    Thank you for the latest report. Lack of concentration or being able to focus in one thing at a time, I believe is the number ONE force working against me and many others that are trying to do something using the internet.

    Again I wish you and your wife all the best in the soon arrival of the baby. Hope you are getting plenty of sleep now. You aren’t going to get enough soon.

    Take care,

  4. Hi Richard,

    I am happy that I opened your email today. It is truly inspiring and a very good analogy. I am new to IM. I am as you say off in too many directions and just now beginning to find focus. It has been an experience researching and developing this business to this first small step. To anyone who may think IM is for them. Do your research well.

    I did get a copy of: Succeed In Thirty Days

    I know I read it back when……….I guess I should reread it again. Maybe now I can see it in a different light and something may click on in the darkness of convoluted thought.

    Again thanks for inviting me to reread your post. I value smart minds more than money.

    Richard Yorke CEO/Agent

    Contact email above if you have suggestions or comments that may be of some benefit to me now.

    I do have a site I am planning to develop as soon as I can organize myself to do so. I am not much of a computer whiz. I am even short on a lot of the basics. Still I strive to learn and absorb the information I do find time to read.

    Have a great and prosperous day Richard.

  5. Hey Richard

    Thanks for sharing that, I can definitely relate because that is exactly what I have been doing for years not sticking with any one thing long enough to experience any success. But I have declared that failure is not an option which is the reason I purchased Traffic Uncut to learn from someone that is walking the walk. Thanks again Richard and good luck with your new arrival It will be a labor of love that I’m sure you’ll relish. I’m a single dad raising a young lady of 13 I’ve been raising her alone since she was 2 and I am always striving to be a better dad more attentive,caring,supportive and most of all just being there Yes #3 above is the clincher pointing in the right direction is a must how will we ever get any where if we don’t have a destination.

  6. Wonderful post Richard.

    Congratulations on your new adventure in Fatherhood.

    Putting the babybed together can be great fun.

    Like the updated pic.

    Glad I read your post.

  7. Just want to say …Congratulation….

  8. Hey Richard,

    Congratulations !

    Sorry I hit enter without making a comment.

    This is a word from a great-grand-father of 10 wonderful children:

    Love and respect your wife and your children. All of our wants and
    “Needs” must be forfeited for their good. Fathers are to be
    sacrificial for their family; and you will enjoy a good life with a happy family.

    Love God above all things and all people.

    Milt Raphael

    P.S. I am a WWll retired combat Marine of the battle of Iwo Jima;
    the Korean War; and Viet Nam. May God bless you and yours.

  9. Hi Richard,

    Thanks for the free report and words of wisdom from both you and Peter.

    Just a few sayings that come to mind.

    Focus is a prequisite for success

    Do not walk along the road if you do not know your destination.

    Also thanks for the Traffic Uncut DVD, it arrived the other day.

    Must be getting real close with the imminent arrival of the baby.
    Hope everything goes great :-)


  10. Dear Richard

    Also from Germany love Greetings
    and good Wishes to
    the Birth of your Child

    I believe and I am convinced that you are the best Father in the World.
    Just as you care for your Members,always ready to answer all questions.

    I am very grateful for your big help to get me in to business.
    Thanks very much and good luck for your future to be a Father

  11. Hi Richard,
    Thanks for the Action Plan. I really need that. I thought I was the only
    who is easily distracted and cannot focus. Very often I start off with your
    program, then I clicked on some link, then one thing led to another and
    finally I found myself somewhere far away from my original intention, working on the programs that I intended to originally. I hope to do better
    with your action plan

  12. Hi Richard,

    Congratulations and thanks for the “Action Plan”. Truly, one of the major culprits for every failure in any program is the lack of will “to-do-it” now.

    Though I have read this in tons of books and ebooks, yours made the best impression to me. This is a short, good read. I’ll be recommending this to my family and friends.

    See ya,


    Pitogo, Quezon, Philippines

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