You’ll want to watch this video on how to create a squeeze page, as it covers a question I get from a lot of subscribers who ask me…
“How do I create a squeeze page?”
A lead capture page (also known as a squeeze page) allows you to collect names and email addresses and build your optin list.
Once you have an optin list you can:
- Increase conversions on your own products through follow up messages.
- Make money by promoting related products as an affiliate.
- Build a relationship with readers who know you, like you and trust you enough to buy from you again and again.
You do need to have an autoresponder account, and you also need a web hosting account to store your page but you can create the squeeze pages using only free software.
An autoresponder account will allow you to capture your prospects names and email addresses and then send out automated emails to them. You get to specify what and when to send, and the autoresponder takes care of the rest.
In my opinion, building a list of targeted prospects is one of the most essential tasks you can do to grow your business. After a while, your list will grow into one of your biggest business assets.
Download Your Free Video And
Lead Capture Page Templates…
Enter your name and email in the form below and I’ll send you the link to watch the free video on how to create a squeeze page.
To things even easier for you, I’ll actually GIVE you two professionally created squeeze page templates for free as well!
To YOUR Success,
That was really cool and very understandable.
Thank you, Richard
Great tip …by the way I like the new look!
Hi Richard,
Thank you so very much for showing me how to do this, it was very informative and quite easy to understand. i have aready downloaded the software & can’t wait to start using it.
Thanks again, take care & stay safe
Dear Richard,
I have recently downloaded and used your my link guard. I have put all my traffic sites in to the system and gotten the hidden links and they are all in a file but when I try to got to the ftp site it wont let me get there do do what you explained in the #2 video. What can I do to start promoting my link guard and put these in my site at rich-thinking.coom
thank you,
Hi Preston,
I see you’ve got the plug-in-profits program up on your website.
I’m not familiar with the hosting account that’s conntected to but from what I can see, it doesn’t look like they have a regular cpanel to upload files like most sites do.
You’d be best to contact the support for the hosting company and ask them for instructions on how to upload files to your site.
I like the way you put the video together. Anyone should be able to follow this. Nicely done. I guess, since I already use all the products you recommend, it certainly made it one of the best on making squeeze pages.
Hi Richard,
Great tip.thank you.
Excellent tutorial,thank you
I wonder could you produce another tutorial showing us how to create a simple website,including header and footer graphics,how to add RSS feed and Social bookmarking features,video and audio;as its obvious that you could create such a website for yourself using Nvu and your clearly able to teach others.
Why,because you would be greatly helping ancient pensioners like myself,who will never be able to pay a programmer,all the while their not making a few extra dollars on their equally ancient computers?-thank you
Laurence Chilcott
Thank you Richard. As always you provide good information in easily digested packets, cheers.
Hi Richard,
I was looking at your video on creating a squeeze page.
It goes to where you set the padding at 10 and stops.
Nothing loads after that. I tried reloading and starting
over several times, but that’s as far as it went.
I’d like to see the rest.
PS I like all your products and find everything I purchase from you
top quality.
OK great stuff I got mine done after copying your great video but what do I do with it now?
I love the information you give. I constantly amazed a depth you cover in a short period of time. I’m going to try it out right away.
I just want to let you know that this tutorial could not have come at a better time. I have been wracking my brain for the last couple of weeks trying to figure out how to make a squeeze page. I have the hosting, I have the NVU software, I have a Get Response account. I have all the pieces. Until I watched the video I could not manage to put them all together. Now I can get my list building activities and advertising in high gear and pull in quality leads.
Boy do I owe you! Thanks
Michael Burgman
This is a very useful video and one that I will share with my subscribers as it is better presented than I could do at present.
Cheers for the pointers on squeeze pages!!
Hi Richard,
Thanks for such straight forward instructions on how to create a squeeze page. You have made it look so simple!
Hi Richard
Your video on creating a squeeze page was great. just what I needed to build my confidence that anyone can create their own.
Just a couple of questions still remain for me and probably others as well.
Does the progran have a tutorial built into it?
and, probably the most important question:
What do I do with the squeeze page once I create it? How do I get it on the web?
Sorry but there some of us still out here that are complete novices at this stuff. Can you advise us further?
William F. Bianchi
Hi, Laurence,
You will need to sign up for an account with a hosting company.
Richard has a link to his favorite company at the upper right of this page.
Most hosting companies have website builders. They can help you with everything you wish to accomplish.
All the best,
Wednesday In searching for sites with content on Squeeze Pages or Affiliate sites and specifically for squeeze page examples, I found your site to be useful and full of content.
Great video! Very informative for novices like myself.
Can you tell me what video software you used to produced the tutoria? I’d like to try it.
Hi Richard,
Great video- this is so helpful! However, I can not seem to acess the site. i tried through internet explorer & firefox but cant get access. A box comes up saying that it is too busy or I cannot get access through internet explorer. Do you know what the problem would be?
And to think I was going to unsubscribe to your newsletter, nice tutorial, can’t wait for your next newsletter :-}
Great tip, many thanks. This is just what I have been looking for.
Thank you so much. At last some easy
to follow instructions that a dummy
can follow LOL
You know, I’m just going to say it as it is:
In my 4.5 months on the Internet, this has been the 1st detailed – and I mean DETAILED – tutorial on creating a squeeze page!
A HUGE thank you, my friend for filling in such a puny, yet massive gap in my online learning curve! Love you for it! And for all the online help here! You’re a good man, Richard! Bless you, Christina and Baby Adam.
Richard, thank you so much. This is something I can actually do. You are an excellent teacher.
Thanks for this Richard – very well done and straighforward. But the end was a bit confusing –
1. how do I get a ‘thank you’ page to come up at the end for the subscriber?
2. where does the email address go and how do I get access?
3. was your page uploaded to the web?
Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog.
Cheers! Sandra. R.
Thank you for the information. This is what I need to create my capture page.
As per usual, I always find great information on your blog.
You are a big help to my online moneymaking efforts.
Thank you!
Thanks Richard for helping other as you helping me. I’m glad that we are agree what is the best hosting around there. Keep going this great job.
God Bless,
I just found your site. Very timely as I am learning all about squeeze pages and need some help!
cool stuff, although very basic
I am new to seo and squeeze pages look like something i should implement…
First timer to your blog. Very intersting informaiton…
You are a big help to my online efforts.
Thank you!
You offering some really valuable information to your readers. Thanks for sharing!
Top blog. Great information on squeeze pages. really excellent advice. It has really helped me a lot! Keep up the good work
Great blog. Nice information. Really excited about this squeeze page concept
Thanks for the information. I appreciate the insight and how simple you make things. You have helped to create vision for me. Thanks!
Jack Campbell – Carlsbad Homes
Hi Richard, Thanks for the explanation it was very clear and understandable. I’m still struggling to get my head around a lot of this stuff, but bit by bit I’m understanding more. It’s nice to find people like you who are prepared to help people like me. Thank you.
Nice thorough blog. I liked what I read. I’m really interested in learning more about the squeeze page concept. Keep up the good work.
Come check us out too if you time.
Bellevue Web design
I feel sure a lot of people will find these squeeze pages very useful – I have just downloaded my zip package, thankyou Richard!
You made a big help for newbies to start their own squeeze pages. Thanks for the information..
Great information! Thanks, its a big help for a starter like me. I am trying to learn as much as I can. I actually am using Optimise Press right now, what do you think about it? Need an experts opinion. thanks!
great info Im just starting out so this really helps
Hello Richard,
I’ve come across your name I’d say hundreds of times over the past 4 years and am always impressed by the quality of the information you present and the products/services you discuss with your viewers.
I’ve recently begun learning more about blogging, list building and search engine optimization, etc and I look forward to catching up on all of your articles and information you have here.
Thank you for your dedication in helping us be informed and learn how to become financially independent!!
Have an awesome day!!
Your replytorichard help desk support system does not work. The page will not load fully. I have tried to access it on several different computers with no luck, so I have no way to contact you about a problem I am having with one of your products. Could you please tell me how to contact you about this? Thanks!
Reply: The helpdesk has been working fine, even on the day you posted this comment other people were able to submit a ticket. Perhaps you could try again or use a different browser? There is a customer support email in the payment receipt too
Nice post. Very plain and simple. Even a 12 year old kid can do this. What software are you using to create your squeeze page?